"As the year draws to a close and we prepare for another busy holiday period, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge all the hard work that has been done, and continues to be done, in all corners of our organization.
This has been an active year for the ExPo; with a new Executive and lots of great initiatives. The formation of a "Pension" Committee will be created to pursue an increase in our members pension benefits. The Bermuda Police Association are assisting and are in discussions for an increase during current negotiations with the Government.
Sadly we have received news of the passing of several of our members this year, including Ray Needham (in April), Sgt Dudley Proctor (in May), P.C. Christopher Reynolds-Hole (in June), Sgt William "Bill" Smith (in July), Insp Phil Every (in Sept), Sgt. Pat McBride (in November) The most recent passing of one of our members earlier this month is that of retired Commissioner of Police Mr Frederick "Penny" Bean. During the Police Week Annual Memorial Service 2018 the ashes of former Pc Andrew Andy Hall were interned at the Police Cemetery in Prospect. Our thoughts go out to all of the families whose loved ones will not be present with them during this Yuletide Season.
Our next major event will be our Annual BPS Officers Mess Reception on Saturday 19th January 2019.
The Executive are developing plans for several association events to increase our membership and have obtained the sponsorship of the Market Place Stores. In addition we are exploring opportunities for our members to assist the BPS by conducting non-operational and/or warrant card carrying duties. It is envisioned that by performing these duties it will free up our sworn officer colleagues to attend to more pressing issues and is aimed at assisting the BPS with efforts to enhance public confidence and make Bermuda safer.
Christmas is a time for reflection. We should remember to be thankful for everything we have, and be mindful of those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Many of our members have been busy demonstrating that mindfulness this season, including Roger Sherratt who continues to maintain our website; thereby keeping our members both local and overseas updated with current information and great news stories. I would like to say thank you to all of our executive members who have performed their various duties to the best of their abilities.
Congratulations and well done to each of you for such strong demonstrations of community spirit, dedication to public service and to maintaining good relationships around the world.
I wish all of you and your families a happy and safe holiday, and Best Wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year."