Here's another photo we received quite recently and is one of several of the same department taken at different times. We figured it might not be easy to identify everyone because some are not members of the Police Service, so we asked you to give it your best shot and see how many you can identify, which department were they all serving in, and exacrly where and when was it taken? If you also have any anecdotes about this team or its members please feel free to share them. It would also be most appreciated if those featured in the photo can let us have a few lines about where you are and what you're doing these days, especially if you have now settled elsewhere (could you also send us a recent photo?)

We have posted most of our comments in the "Comments" section below this article but we have received the following information from Dave O'Meara who happened to be sailing on the high seas with his wife Jan when we first published thjis photo.
Top row from the left,
CO Kenny Simmons, Mark Allan, CO Vernon Foggo, Mike Wyllie, Dave O’Meara, Steve Rollin, Zerphyl ( Zip ) Worrell.
Next row, - Mark Cartwright, CO Roxann (Roxie ) !!!!, Civilian Staff Carolyn Haynes, Bev Outerbridge, Cherie Bean, Alickson (Alex ) Severin, Dennis Gordon,
5th January 2020
Editors note - Beverly Pitt (Outerbridge) has examined this photo and says that Roxann ("Roxie's) surname is Eve. so we now have everyone named.
With regard to the date this photo was taken, George Rose advises that he had been OIC Narcotics until March 1982 and after he transferred to another department Insp Edward "Ed" Bailey became OIC for a few months before he left the Police to study law at which time Johnny Williams became OIC Narcoitics. According to John Skinner's excellent List of Officers who served between 1879 and 1979 Ed Bailey resigned as of 20th Junt 1983. He may have have finished a little earlier than that date if he had accrued leave, but this photo was clearly taken during the summer months so chances are it was during the Summer of 1983. If anyone still has a copy of this photo with a caption can you please confirm the date.