This section of our website is intended for you to keep in touch with all of your fellow colleagues who have served in the Bermuda Police. We started this column by putting all entries on one post but soon realized that it would stretch for far too long so we are doing it by each year- and this one is for 2017.
We welcome news, however brief, and would also encourage you to send us recent photos. Sadly we sometimes have to report "bad" news such as illnesses - or worse - but we are always delighted to receive positive news! We can be contacted through our email address or through the comments column at the bottom of each article, including this one.
30th December
Catching Up in Sydney
As we close out our “Keeping in Touch” column for the year 2017, we were delighted to hear from Bob Porritt, who, along with his wife Pam, had written to us in November (see article below dated 5th November to say they were embarking on a cruise from Singapore to Sydney to celebrate Bob’s seventieth birthday.
We have just heard that along the way they met old friends and neighbours in Adelaide. Bob reports that, “In Sydney we were admirably entertained by Dave Inwood and his wife Elaine. They were wonderful hosts and showed us a snapshot of the city. We met up with Leslie Gordon who most remember as ‘Sid’. Unfortunately we were unable to meet Graham Marshall who was away in Brisbane.”
l-r. Dave Inwood, Bob Porritt, Leslie ‘Sid’ Gordon.

Everyone in these photos look to be in fine fettle!. It’s great to think that our ExPo website manages to report on former colleagues all around the world. If you have been doing anything special or travelling over the Festive Season please feel free to write to us and send photos. On behalf of all of us on the ExPo Committee here in Bermuda, we wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year - wherever you are.
19th December
We have recently had a few of our members on the sick list, and we have two more with more serious health issues.

Former P.C. Gilmore Simons went abroad for treatment with a potentially serious problem but an operation to remove his gall bladder appears to have been successful and he is now back on Island and recuperating.

Retired Inspector Dudley Proctor, one of our oldest retirees has also had health issues but he, too, is feeling better and will hopefully be attending the Commissioner’s annual New Year Party on 1st January 2018 at the Police Recreation Club.

November was “hip month” for two of our members. Robert “Bob” Stewart had hip replacement surgery early in the month and is still on crutches but is making a steady recovery and was able to attend the Memorial Service for his old friend and fellow poker player Alistair “Shakey” Johnson last week.

Our long time ExPo Committee member and stalwart, Dave Cook, also had hip surgery in late November and he had a few problems, mainly with swelling on his knee, but that has been treated and he is now well on the way to recovery. Dave managed to organize and attend the annual Ex-Bobbies Bash at Mariners Club on 7th December and also attended “Shakeys” Memorial Service.

On a more serious note our good friend retired Chief Inspector Roger Kendall had a heart attack just a few days ago and has been flown to Boston for treatment. We will keep you informed of his progress.
20th December - Sounds like some positive news regarding Roger. We hear he had a stent inserted and should hopefully be home in a few days. We ere further updated by Roger's wife Lita confirming that they are due to return home to Bermuda at the weekend and plan to attend the Commissioner's New Year Party on 1st January 2018.

Another good friend and colleague former Sergeant Gary Perinchief (Takbir Sharrieff) has been seriously ill for some time and is in critical condition at King Edward Hospital. His brother, retired Assistant Commissioner Wayne Perinchief has advised that Gary’s condition is not improving.
At this usually festive time of year we would ask you to keep all of the above in your thoughts and prayers.
Editors note - We heard the sad news that Gary Perincjhief (Takbi Sharrieff) passed away on 27th December 2017. We have posted a more detailed article on Gary in our "Latest News" column which you can find at
8th December
INVITATION TO COMMISSIONER'S ANNUAL NEW YEAR PARTY - Members of Bermie ExPo are cordially invited to the Annual Commissioner's New Year Party being held from 11am - 2.00pm on Monday 1st January 2018, at the Police Recreation Club as per the invitation below from Commissioner Michael DeSilva. This is a very popular event and attendees are asked to RSVP to Pat Flood at
The Commissioner of Police
Mr. Michael A. DeSilva QPM CPM MBa
requests the pleasure of the company of
Members of BPS Ex Po Association
at the
Commissioner’s New Year Party
Monday, 1st January, 2018
11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
at the Police Recreation Club, Prospect
Dress: Jacket & Tie or Mess Kit (decorations may be worn)
Guests are requested to arrive and be in place
for the arrival of His Excellency, The Governor at 11:45am
Please RSVP to |
17th December

9th December

Funeral Service for Alistair "Shakey" Johnson - Davie Kerr reports that he attended Shakey's Funeral held at 2pm on Friday 8th December 2017, at Fraser's Funeral Home on Acdemy Street, Inverness, whch was also attended by for P.C. Julian Merrounie and his wife Anna and family, and Shakey's two sons, Roderick and Stephen Johnson. The only other Bermuda contact in attendance was a Glasgow lad called John Bookless who used to play football for Bermudiana FC in the Commercial League in the mid-'70s.
Davie read out a Tribute to Shakey from Roger Sherratt. He also made a list of all those who had asked him to pass on their condolences and put them in a sympathy card for his family. Many thanks to Davie for making the effort to attend the funeral as the representative of all of us who knew and worked and socialised with our dear friend "Shakey". If you wish to make any further comment about "Shakey" please feel free to do so in the comments section of the Latest News article referred to below.
To view the Tribute in full go to our Latest News section at
7th December

Annual Ex-Bobbies Christmas Bash - This very popular annual Christmas Lunch was held today at Mad Hatters at the Mariners Club, attended by 37 of our retired and former Bermuda Police officers. Congratulations to Dave Cook and Billy Butterworth for organizing this annual gathering which really helps to retain the camaraderie we all enjoyed while serving in the BPS. The meal was excellent, and judging by the noise level, everyone had a great time reminiscing about the past and catching up on the latest gossip!

During the lunch we paid our respects to the following 11 of our members during 2017:- Harry Leman, Denis Byrne, Alan Kennedy, Ron Beach, Alexander 'Sandy" Somerville, George Linnen, Ron Shelley, Vendon Archer, Ian Ferguson, Ian Scotland, and Alistair "Shakey" Johnson. John Barnett informed everyone about the funeral service being held for "Shakey" in Inverness on 8th December, and Roger Sherratt read a tribute to Shakey that will be given by Davie Kerr at the funeral. Roger also proposed a toast to "absent friends and colleagues".
John Barnett also advised that a Memorial Service is being planned for "Shakey" at Christchurch in Warwick on Saturday 16th December.
To see who attended the lunch please go to our Photo Gallery at!IMG_7124
3rd December
Update on Funeral for Alistair "Shakey" Johnson - Davie Kerr has confirmed to us that the funeral for "Shakey" will be held at 2pm on Friday 8th December at Fraser's Funeral Home on Academy Street, Inverness.
We continue to receive tributes and personal stories about "Shakey" which you can find under the article in our Latest News column at
Dave Cook - Hip Surgery - Our good friend Dave Cook had hip surgery at King Edward Hospital on 23rd November, and all appeared to go very well because he returned home just a couple of days later. He is said to be making an excellent recovery but we doubt if he will be able to make the annual Ex-Police lunch at the Mad Hatters Restaurant in Hamilton on Thursday 7th December, although knowing Dave he will be there if at all possible. Tickets for the lunch can be ordered through Billy Butterworth.

Gilmore Simons - Another of our former colleagues, Gilmore Simons, has been quite ill for several months and flew to the Lahey Clinic for surgery on his gall bladder. The surgery was successful and Gilmore is back on Island and getting out and about. Gilmore was one of the police officers who received an award from Queen Elizabeth for his bravery during the BELCO riot on 2nd February 1965, which you can read about in our Then and Now column at
29th November
Funeral Service for Alistair "Shakey" Johnson - We have been advised that a small funeral service will be held for Shakey on Friday 8th December 2017 at Fraser’s Funeral Home on Academy Street, Inverness, Scotland, at a time to be decided. We have also been advised that it is intended to hold a Memorial Service for Shakey here in Bermuda at a later date.

We had previously reported in our Latest News column having heard of the death of our good friend Alistair “Shakey” Johnson who passed away peacefully in Inverness on 25th November 2017. Shakey joined the Bermuda Police in August 1959 having arrived here on the same day as now retired Commissioner Clive Donald. He served for just over 10 years, mainly in Central Division (Hamilton) and in Operations (Traffic) where he was promoted to Sergeant in January 1969.
We understand that Davie Kerr is planning to attend the funeral service if at all possible, and will no doubt say a few words on behalf of all of us who knew Shakey who has to be one of the most unforgettable characters ever to wear a Bermuda Police uniform. If you would like to pass on any comment about Shakey please feel free to do so in the comments section of our Latest News article which you can find at
23rd November

Ian and Maggie Graham - We just heard from Ian Graham who kindly gave us a possible address for Bob Mitchell in Solihill where Bob was residing at the time of the reunion held in Edinburgh in 1986. (See photo of the reunion at Just in case it doesn’t work out we are still enquiring about contact details for Bob.
Ian also wrote and advised us of a most unusual award received by Paul Davis earlier this year - The Freedom of the City of London - a far cry from the days when Paul was freely pounding the streets of Hamilton as a young Bermuda constable back in 1973. Please see details in our Latest News column at
Ian complains that it is “cold, wet and dreich in Glasgow today” (I had never seen the word “dreich” before but after looking it up in my Oxford English dictionary it perfectly describes the weather in Glasgow).
Ian aded that Maggie has done the right thing and headed off to Tenerife this morning with some pals from the Busby Tennis Club for five days at a tennis academy.
For any of our former colleagues in Australia or New Zealand, Ian says he and Maggie will be heading out to Australia in mid-January armed with tickets for the quarter finals of the Oz Open Tennis, (yes, they are serious tennis addicts) then they will be boarding the Diamond Princess for a New Zealand cruise. Being dreich in Glasgow may explain why Ian and Maggie are constantly on the move!
22nd November

Death of retired Inspector Ian Scotland - We were deeply saddened to hear that retired Inspector Ian Scotland passed away yesterday (21st November) at his home in Southampton after being ill for some time. Ian served in the Bermuda Police from 1963 until his retirement in 1988, as we have reported in more detail in our Latest News column which you can view at We extend our sincere condolences to Ian's wife, Cathy. You can find an obituary for Ian in today's Royal Gazette at

Trying to contact Robert "Bob" Mitchell - We have received an email on our website from George Dudson who is trying to contact an old friend of his, former P.C. Robert "Bob" Mitchell who served here in the Bermuda Police from 1974 - 1979. George was given our website details by a colleague after putting an entry on a retired Police Facebook group in the U.K. about his efforts to get in touch with Bob. He and Bob worked together in the Cumbria Police in Penrith, and Bob had been an usher at George's wedding. He would be pleased to hear from his old mate.
The last we saw of Bob was at a Grand Reunion of former Bermuda Police Officers and friends held in Edinburgh back in 1986. Bob features in a photo of the event which you can view at
If anyone knows Bob's present whereabouts or contact details please have him contact us at and we would be pleased to put him in touch with George. And if you read this entry Bob, we would also be delighted to hear where you are and what you're doing these days.
17th November
Reunion for former Chiefs - Early in October 2017 we received an email enquiry from Mr. Eric Ellen, former Chief Constable of the Port of London Police requesting that we put him in touch with our own retired Commissioner of Police, Mr. Fred "Penny" Bean. Eric and his wife, Lin, were due to arrive in Bermuda on 3rd November on board the M.v. Silver Whisper for a three day visit. Eric was very keen to meet up with his old friend "Penny" who he first met in the U.K. in the early 1970's. Eric had held the position as President of The International Association of Airport and Seaport Police, a position also held by Fred, and they had become good friends having met at a number of conferences.

We put the two in touch with each other and were delighted to hear that Fred and his wife Romaine met up with Eric and Lin several times during their stay in Bermuda, and were hosted for dinner on board the Silver Whisper. Fred and Romaine gave Eric and Lin tours of the Island, including a visit to Hamilton Police Station where they met with our current Commissioner Michael DeSilva.

The new police station would have been a far cry from the old Hamilton Police Station in 1983 when Fred, as then President of the IAASP, had hosted their annual conference at the Castle Harbour Hotel which was also attended by Eric. Fred later served on the Board of Directors of the IAASP and had travelled to other conferences where he and Eric maintained their close contact and friendship.
On their trip to Bermuda Eric and Lin were accompanied by their daughter, and after leaving Bermuda they were heading to the Caribbean.
Since returning from his cruise, Eric has written to us as follows:-
"I returned to Bermuda after more than 30 years and found I was still lost as to the beauty of the Island. The highlight of our cruise was the three days in Bermuda and being able, through the excellent assistance of Roger Sherratt at the Bermuda Ex-Police Association website, to locate my old friend and colleague, Commissioner Frederick Bean and his lovely wife Romaine, who for two days conducted us on a tour of the Island including many places my wife and I had never previously seen. Another highlight was meeting Commissioner Michael DeSilva. Considering I have been out of the Service since 1981, it was indeed an honour.
Fred Bean also commented on what a distinct pleasure it had been to get together again with Eric and Lin during their most enjoyable return to Bermuda.
5th November
Cycling to Glory - Dave Barber's Grandson in Barbados - Yesterday we published an article which you can view at about three outstanding young athletes who are representing Bermuda in the Carbibbean Junior Cycling Championships being held in Barbados this weekend. The three young men are all directly related to three of our former Bermuda Police colleagues. Matthew Oliviera is the grandson of retired Chief Inspector Dave Barber who served from 1965-1997, Kaden Hopkins is the son of former P.C. Greg Hopkins, himself an outstanding athlete as a boxer, runner and cyclist, who served from 1982-1993, and Conor White who is the grandson of former Sergeant Mike Cherry who served from 1959-1968 and was an active sportsman during his police days as a rugby and squash player.
According to an article in yesterdays Royal Gazette which you can view at, our cyclists had high hopes being in hunt for medals in Barbados. The Bermuda team had excelled in the Commonwealth Youth Games in Nassau, Bahamas, in July, with Oliveira winning gold in the boys’ time-trial and bronze in the road race.

This evening we heard from a delighted Dave Barber that his grandson won gold as winner of yesterday's time trial, and repeated the feat this afternoon winning gold in the distance race. Congratulations to Matthew and to all of our Bermuda Team. We will carry the final results in our Latest News article as we receive them.
Editors note - A full report on the Caribbean Junior Cycling Championships was published by the Royal Gazette and can be viewed at We have also updated the report in our Latest News column.
Bob and Pam Porritt heading for the Far East - We just heard from our old friend and colleague Bob Porritt who has made very special plans to celebrate his 70th birthday as he reports as follows:-

To celebrate my 70th birthday Pam and I are taking a cruise from Singapore to Sydney, in late November to early December calling at Perth, Adelaide, Hobart and Sydney. We intend to meet up with friends who now live in Adelaide along with Dave Walker who will be there for the cricket. Dave is a former member of PRC football team in the seventies. We also hope to meet up with Dave Inwood and possibly Sid Gordon in Sydney. We would like to know of any former Bermuda officers or residents we may be able to catch up with in Singapore, Perth or Hobart along our way. Regards to all past and present Bermuda Police Officers and their families. Best wishes Bob Porritt.
9th October
Constable William John Armstrong (Served 1934-1938) - We have just received a request from Mr. Iain Armstrong who has written to us enquiring if we can help him to trace his father's history. He believes his father joined the Bermuda Police in the mid-1930's and left here in 1938 to return to Britain.
I have checked our Police records which are very limited indeed for the time when his father was here. Unfortunately, most records were destroyed in the late 1950's due to being stored in damp, humid conditions underground at the Police Recreation Club.
However, The names of all police officers serving in the Bermuda Police and the Civil Service were recorded annually in what were called the Blue Books (until 1950) which are stored in the Bermuda Archives. I have a few random copies of pages and quickly found the name William John Armstrong who is probably Iain's father. On checking the Blue Book for 1934 he is listed as a 2nd Class Constable who joined the Bermuda Police in August 1934 and was paid £230.00 per annum. Similar entries would have been made annually until he left the Island.
Again, unfortunately, blue books have no details of where the officers came from or any other personal details. The only other possibility would be searching local newspaper records on microfiche but that would be like looking for a needle in a haystack!
I am posting this entry in our "Keeping in Touch" column just in case there is anyone here in Bermuda or anywhere else who might have any information about P.C. William John Armstrong. If so I'm sure Iain would be delighted to here from us, if it is indeed his father.
7th October
Annual Memorial Service at ExPo BBQ - It was most unfortunate that bad weather prevented the holding of our Annual Police Memorial Service at the Military/Police Cemetery, Prospect. Commissioner of Police, Michael DeSilva, is a keen supporter of this annual event at the start of Police Week, and every effort had been made to have the cemetery, including the Memorial itself in tip top condition on the day.
The memorial had been thoroughly cleaned, and several names had been added to the plaque - those of John Joseph Sheehy and his wife Joan, Arthur Bean, Cyril Plant, and Ron Beech.
One of the highlights of this service is that the Commissioner reads off the Honour Roll of all our former and retired police officers who have died during the past two years. This year there was a total of 32 officers who have left us during that time. For a list of these officers, together with a report on and photographs of the event, please see Latest News at

The event was going to be extra special because in addition to the BPS Colour Party marching into the ceremony, we also had the Halton Regional Police Service Pipes and Drums playing during the ceremony. The weather, however, would not cooperate and at the last minute it was decided to hold the ceremony in the main hall of the Police Club.

It had been intended that following the Servce at the cemetery, their would be a sunset parade in front of the old Police Headquarters with three bands participatging - The Halton Police Service Pipes and Drums from Ontario, Canada, the Somerset Brigade Band, and the Island Pipe Band. Despite the bad weather we had a packed hall for the memorial service, and all three bands performed either during or immediately after the service while the hall was prepared for the planned ExPo BBQ hosted by Commissioner DeSilva. The event went off flawlessly and the evening was a great success.

6th October

George Linnen - Following the sad news that our good friend and former colleague, George Linnen, had died on 23rd August 2017, we received the following obituary published in the Toronto Globe and Mail.
George served in the Bermuda Police from 1959-1965 and was both an exceptional young man and an outstanding and inspirational football player who captained our Police Football Team during his time in Bermuda. For more information about George please see our Latest News column at
Editors notes - For all those who knew George we would like to bring your attention to the last sentence in his obituary. "In lieu of flowers or charitable donations the family requests that you perform an act of kindness to honour the type of man George was." I have never seen this request before, but if all of us who knew him carried out this simple request on behalf of George Linnen then the world will be slightly better place as a result of his time with us.
I believe it would be remiss of us not to mention the courage of P.C. George Linnen on the morning on February 2nd 1965 during the BELCO riot when he guarded unconscious and seriously injured P.C. Ian Davies who was lying in a pool of blood on the ground outside BELCO after being viciously struck on the head by one of the rioters wielding a large weapon. It was rather suprising that while a number of the police officers present that day subsequently received awards for their bravery, George was not included amongst them.
For more information about the BELCO riot please see our article at

30th September

20th September

Death of Vendon Archer - We were deeply saddened to receive the news that former P.C. Kenneth "Vendon" Archer, who served here in the Bermuda Police from May 1978 to August 1993, had died on 19th May this year in the UK, and his funeral was held subsequently at St Luke's Church in Staining. Our heartfelt condolences go out to Vendon's family. For more information see our Latest News column at
11th September
Ex-Bermuda Bobby's survive Irma in Florida - We've heard from David and Penny Long that they have survived Hurricane Irma's devastating sweep through Florida. They were well battened down and their home in Daytona Beach is intact although they are now surrounded by fallen tree branches.
We have also heard from Rodney Fowkes who lives with his family at Palm Coast. Rod says they suffered from a power blackout and spent the night sleeping in a walk-in closet to avoid tornados from Daytona Beach! All is well that ends well. We have asked Rod to write and let us know how he's doing these days.
10th September

David and Penny Long - Anyone old enough to remember this young man playing the part of Lieutenant Osborne in the Police Drama Group production of Journey's End back in 1965? The young lady, who was never a "Playboy Bunny" but happened to dress up as one for a Drama Group Fancy Dress Party, is David's Bermudian wife, Penny. Our good friends come to mind as we follow the path of Hurricane Irma heading through Florida. Dave and Penny live at Daytona Beach and we hear they're well hunkered down, and will hopefully be fine now that Irma has moved slightly further west as it wends its way north, although they will no doubt still feel its effects. Thinking of you both. Ironically, Journey's End was set in a dug-out in the Brtish trenches during the First World War. Hope they are safer than those soldiers in the trenches!
8th September
Passing of Ron Shelley - We were deeply saddened to hear that former P.C. Ron Shelley, who served in the Bermuda Police from September 1960 – April 1964, had died in New Jersey on 26th September last year (2016) after a long illness.

We received the news from Brian Malpas who had been a good friend of Ron’s during his time in Bermuda.
Ron and Colin “Dusty” Hind were co-founders of our Police Drama Group which flourished in the mid-sixties and after leaving Bermuda Ron lived in New York and worked in the entertainment industry for many years. He discovered our ExPo website in 2012 which spurred him to make a visit to the Island to meet up with old friends and colleagues from the BPS as we reported on September 14th 2012 in our Keeping in Touch column which can be viewed at
For more information see our Latest News column at
26th August 2017
Excitement at Grandpa’s Birthday - Mike Caulkett recently celebrated his birthday and it was almost too much for his 2 ½ year old grandson William who couldn’t keep still for moment when he saw the candles on Grandpa’s delicious looking hedgehog cake! We’ve concluded that this young man likes to party even more than Mike did while he was in Bermuda.

22nd August
Paul Hendrick – No more shoveling snow! We just received this ‘stunning’ email from our old friend Colin Mackenzie in Canada.
“Last Saturday (Aug 19th) the usual riff-raff - Ian Ackroyd, Jeff Baker, Ian Ganson and myself and our wives) were at Paul Hendrick’s house for a BBQ and this time it was a special event. It was to say “goodbye" to Paul who, with his partner Joelle, are moving to live in Malaga, Spain. They leave September 21st so we met to joke, gossip, share a pint or two, to remember and to say farewell.

As Paul said to us, for him there will not be any more shovelling snow but instead, getting out his golf clubs and playing on a course almost at his back door! Paul has always been involved in the Canadian ex-pats get-togethers when we have had them so now the get-togethers will have to be in Malaga!! Paul, this is not goodbye, but so long for now and the usual riff-raff here wish you and your partner best wishes and good health as you enter into another adventure in your lives.”

On behalf of all Paul’s old mates here in Bermuda we wish him and Joelle all the very best with their move to Spain. This news comes as a shock because I always think of Paul as being “Mr. Maple Leafs” with his passion for ice hockey and his beloved team.
Reminiscing about Denis Byrne and the Police Drama Group - As we reported in our Keeping in Touch column on 16th August, the Officers Mess at Prospect was the venue of a get-together last night to welcome Kate (Byrne) Shaw and her husband Darren to Bermuda. Kate was born in Bermuda 50 years ago, the daughter of then P.C. Denis Byrne and his wife Iva. Kate was just two years old when the Byrne family left the Island and settled back in the UK.

Denis had played an active role in the Bermuda Police Drama Group as Stage Manager so a group of thespians and support crew gathered at the Mess to meet up with Kate and Darren, and reminisce about the good old days of the mid-1960’s. Although not present, Penny and David Long sent a fitting tribute to their good friend Denis who died in the U.K. in February this year. The tribute was read at the Officers Mess. This visit was especially poignant for Kate who returned to the Island for the first time in 48 years and while here she scattered some her father’s ashes at Admiralty Cove and also took the time to visit the places that were so familiar to her party.

We will be publishing a separate article about Kate’s visit and the result of our get together last night.
Sad News about Alexander “Sandy” Sommerville - We were deeply saddened to hear the following news about the death of our former colleague, Alexander “Sandy” Sommerville in England on 13th August this year. Sandy served in the Bermuda Police from September 1965 – January 1970, and married his wife Phillippa while they were here on Island. We extend our sincere condolences to Philippa and their sons, Greg and Will.

It is with sadness, the family of Alexander Duncan Sommerville, CPM, of Swanton Morley, Norfolk announce his death on August 13th, 2017. He will be lovingly remembered by his wife of 48 years, Philippa, and his sons, Greg and Will. The funeral service will take place at St Faith's Crematorium, Norwich on Friday, September 1st at 11.45am. Family Flowers only please, no other flowers but donations, if desired, in his memory made payable to SSAFFA, may be left at the service or sent c/o Gordon Barber Funeral Home, 43 Norwich Road, Dereham, NR20 3AS.
19th August
Former Footballers Get Together - We received a report from John Headey to let us know that his group’s ex Bermuda Police Footballers 'gathering ', is becoming a regular event in the UK.

John says, “We got together again on July 26th for a chin wag, a few beers and some tasty Tapas in Liverpool. This is the 3rd meeting.
We were joined by 'interloper' Peter Borland this time, who was on holiday with his family in the UK.
As always it was enjoyed by all and it was good to discuss old times. There was even mention of a Bermuda visit, but nothing confirmed at this stage. We had hoped that Frank Dowie would join us, but sadly he was unwell and unable to make the short trip from Southport. (We'll come to you next time Frank.)
Best regards to all,
John Headey.
John Headey - Proud Grandfather John also sent us this delightful photograph of himself and his gorgeous 2 year old granddaughter, Teddy Rose, who has a decidedly “Royal” appearance! Teddy is Lena’s second child, and we will not be at all surprised when we receive a photo of Teddy in a Huddersfield Town outfit just as we did with John's first grandchild, Teddy's big brother Wylie during a visit to his grandad in England.

For those of you not aware of it, we started a column called "Grandparents" where we invite all of our members to send us photos of your grandchildren together with a little information about them. We will be adding Teddy's photo to our column which you can find at
16th August
Don Urquhart in Manchester - Our former colleague Don Urquhart who joined the Bermuda Police in 1977 has to be one of our most travelled members.
A few weeks ago Don was nearing the end of a four month trip to the UK from Australia, where when he caught up with a host of ex Bermuda Police officers in Liverpool, thanks to Steve Taylor for organising, Manchester and with Alex McNaughton (no photos unfortunately).

Don says, “We had a good night out at Jamie's Italian Restaurant in central Manchester, Stuart lives close to Manchester and was driving a what looked like a very expensive looking motor car! Mike, who is a Bolton boy, was in the UK for a wedding. There was much swapping of tales of policing in the 1970s and 1980s, accompanied by good food and wine.
It really is great fun to catch up with old friends and the Expobermuda website is a great help in facilitating these get-togethers.”
Don just wrote to say, “I am back in Sydney and caught up with Gary Osborne for a beer last week when he visited Sydney from his home in Perth, a five hour flight from Sydney. Australia is a big country! Please encourage anyone passing through Sydney to get in touch on
I will be sitting tight in Sydney for a while. The next trip to the UK/Europe is planned for April 2018. Separately, I have unearthed an old newspaper clipping from 1977 of Dave O'Meara and me arresting a young man at the Bus Station in Hamilton. Dave was trying to arrest the guy and I went to his assistance, rugby tackling the offender as he tried to get away. A crowd gathered quickly, as it tended to do and I ended up calling a 10/55 on my hand set. I was on the beat in Central at the time. If is not the best quality but it is one for the records.

Visit to Bermuda by Kate (Byrne) Shaw - We were recently informed that Kate (Byrne) Shaw, the daughter of former P.D. Denis Byrne who served in the Bermuda Police from September 1963 - September 1969, and who passed away in February 2017, will be visiting the Island this weekend with her husband Darren to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, and Kate’s 50th birthday. We reported on Denis' illness and subsequent passing in an article which can be found at

Kate was born in Bermuda, the daughter of Denis and Iva (nee Thompson) Byrne. Iva was a nurse in the Emergency Department at KEMH. Denis was a very active member of the Police Drama Group where he was Stage Manager for several productions at City Hall Theatre, and he also played rugby for the Police Team.
By coincidence, Roger Sherratt was recently chatting with Colin “Dusty” Hind about writing a History of the Police Drama Group of which “Dusty” was a co-founder along with another former P.C. Ron Shelley who went on to make a name for himself on Broadway.

As quite a few of Denis’ friends were active members of the Police Drama Group, we are going to meet up at the Officers Mess at Prospect next Monday 21st August at 6pm so Kate can have an opportunity to meet up with her parents old colleagues. If you knew Denis or Iva during their time here, whether through rugby, the drama group, or through the hospital, you are most welcome to join us.
20th July

Ron "JC" Robinson - We were deeply saddened to hear the news that our good friend Ron Robinson, affectionately known as “JC,” passed away yesterday evening. Ron was always a familiar sight at the Police Recreation Club and a keen supporter and member of the Police Boxing Section for many years.
Ron was a regular attendee at the PRC on Thursday lunchtimes socialising with his close friends, Jimmy Costello, Gerry Lyons, Brian Malpas and Keith Lovell.
The news of Ron’s passing came from the Bermuda Sailors Home where he had had been a member for nearly fifty years and had served on their board. He had also been working at the Cathedral for many years.
We offer our sincere condolences to Ron’s family and his many friends. We understand that his funeral will be held at the Anglican Cathedral next week and will publish details as soon as they are announced.
APOLOGY FROM EDITOR - I must apologize for the lack of content here and on our website during most of the past month. Unfortunately I had to travel to England at short notice to take care of my 98 year old mum while my brother was undergoing medical tests for a heart condition. While there I had some technical issues with not having access to my regular computer and files. Hopefully, I can now return to "normal"!
23rd June

Ian “Paddy” Ackroyd and Colin McKenzie - We just received this photo from our good friend and colleague, Colin McKenzie with the following explanation:-
Attached is a photo of Ian “Paddy” Ackroyd and I in deep conversation about the pint glass on the table in front of us. I am saying to Paddy, “I think that glass of yours is empty so let's go get refills and drink, sorry, think about how the past 47 years have slipped by so quickly!”
47 years ago today (June 23, 1970) Paddy and I and others (Dick Coulthard and Paul Hendrick to name two) arrived in Bermuda on a BOAC flight to start our service there. We were met by Dick Murphy and Bill McCracken, later to be met by Dave Parsons.
Paddy, Paul and I always connect with each other on this day and have done so every year since we arrived in Canada many years ago. I will be calling Paul and Paddy later and I have sent Dick an e-mail already. Where has the time gone? Arriving in Bermuda on that date is still as clear as a bell but now ask me where I last put my car keys!! ????
All is well here.
Best wishes.
Editors note - We try to include the course photo for articles such as this, but unfortunately it was usually the policy to only photograph 3 month Basic Training Courses, and not the Familiarization Courses as they were known for experienced police officers recruited from abroad,
This appears to be one of the largest ever intakes which included the following who arrived on 23 June 1970:-
Stanley Parr, Richard Coulthard, John Stimson, Gwyllyn Williams, Michael Cresswell, Raymond Bell, James McInnes, Reginald “Buster” Brown, Malcolm Irvine, Roy Haynes, John Bradford, Colin McKenzie, Patrick Hathaway, and Ian “Paddy” Ackroyd.
The following arrived two days later on 25th June 1970:-
Michael Collingridge, Frank Martin, William Cree, Stewart Holmes, Bruce Bingley, John “Barry” Higham, Roger Hind, Paul Hendrick, Michael Goode, and Ian Fraser.
This is an intake of 24 men of whom only one, Ray Bell, is still here on Island although quite a few visit us from time to time. We hear from several of these former colleagues but we have lost contact with most of them so if you are one of them, or if you know anyone who may not be listed on our website please contact us at We would be delighted to hear from you.
Reception in memory of Brian Callaghan - We have received the following invitation from Ann Callaghan who is presently visiting the Island and is inviting friends and colleagues of Brian to have a drink in his memory at Daylesford Theatre.
Brian served in the Bermuda Police from July 1972 - March 1997 and was an outstanding detective officer who worked for most of his career in CID as a collator and exhibits officer. Brian passed away in January 2017 after a prolonged illness since suffering a stroke in 2011. Ann would be delighted to see as many of Brian's old friends as possible.
15th June
John Latoszek - We have just been in contact with John Latoszek who served in the Bermuda Police from 1973 - 1977 after arriving here from Birmingham. England, as a new recruit.

John served mainly in Central Division and was an active sportsman who played football for the Police Football Team and was cajolled into taking part in our annual Evening of Boxing at the Police Recreation Club. John vividly remembers being encouraged to take up boxing while he was in Training School. He recalls, "I trained with Gerry Lyons and Frank Thom and if I remember correctly we were trained by a visiting pro boxer from England who was here at the time. The evening event for me was something that I will remember for ever. I had never been to a boxing event let alone participated in one. I had never boxed before and thank heavens for the pre event training it helped alleviate some of the anxiety and fear. Preparation is everything in being successful. My opponent was a fellow recruit, Philip Bailey, who was a strong lad and kept showing me his "Ali Shuffle". Fortunately, I won the fight on points. The formality of the evening was fantastic and then to meet the Governor (Sir Ted) Edwin Leather and receive your medal was also an event highlight.

While on Island, John met the love of his life, a young Canadian nurse named Karen McLean, who was working in the Emergency Department at KEMH. John and Karen left Bermuda in October 1977 and settled in Canada. They have been happily married for 42 years, have two children, have both recently retired, and are living in Edmonton, Alberta, so their winters will be a little cooler than here in Bermuda!
John has kindly written an article for our 'Then and Now' column which you can read at
8th June
Frank Martin - We just heard from former P.C. Frank Martin who served in the BPS from 1970-1975, and is now living in North Carolina. Frank, a Glaswegian, although he was born in the U.S., had served in the Dunbartonshire Police prior to coming to Bermuda.

Frank has written to describe his recollection of a lecture given at the PRC by world famous criminal pathologist, Professor Keith Simpson, and in particular about a question put to Professor Simpson by P.C. Sid Gordon who was never at a loss for words and had a great sense of humour. You can read more about the lecture, and Sid's probing question, in our Interesting Articles column at
28th May

25th May
John Riordan in the Birdcage - John Riordan who served in the BPS from March 1974 - Jan 1975 recently sent us this photo of him directing traffic in the birdcage on Front Street. We have been asking anyone who has photos of themselves, or anyone else in the birdcage to send them to us for our collection. Happy to add John's and we encourage you to send yours. John, perhaps you can let us know where you are and what you are doing these days.

14th May
Get Together in Birmingham - We just received this photo from our former ExPo President, Steve Taylor, showing a group of our “reprobates” getting together at lunch-time on Wednesday 10th May. Steve reports that this reunion was brilliantly organized by Bill Nixon, and the group stayed overnight in Birmingham City Centre.
As you can see they include our good friend Moby who was visiting the UK. We are assured that the photo was taken “early on in the day” so we presume that Mick Sample was just blinking rather than taking a nap!
Steve sends his best regards to everyone.

29th April
Chris Oldfield - We heard for the first time from Chris Oldfield who served in the BPS from 1985 - 1987 when he wrote a comment on the article below about the recent reunion held at The Ship and Mitre Pub in Liverpool for those recruits who joined the Bermuda Police in 1980. Chris has a vivid memory of one of those recruits, Kev Buxton, riding through McBeath Block on his motor cycle! (see article at ). After we contacted Chris he kindly wrote back and gave us an update on his time in Bermuda and what he has been doing since leaving here in 1987. You can see his article in our 'Then and Now' column at
23rd April

Brian and Glynis Nolan Visit - Glynis Nolan has been in touch to let us know that she and Brian are coming to Bermuda on a cruise and will be heading for the Police Club on Thursday afternoon 4th May and would love to get together with old friends and former colleagues at the Club. Brian, who served from 1977 - 1982 spent most of his time in the Police Garage working alongside Keith Pratt, Sandy Duncan, Owen Marsh and Douglas Victor, while Glynis worked at Police Headquarters in 'B" Department under Bill Bryan. Although Bill is not on computer and does not get out very often we will contact him and let him know about Brian and Glynis's visit in hopes he a can get up to the Club to see them.
Glynis also sent us some information for an article about herself and Brian in our "Then and Now" column which you can see at
Get Together in Leeds - Don Urquart is currently vacationing in the UK as we can see from his attendance at the Reunion in Liverpool on 18th April, and after his visit to Liverpool Don headed over to Leeds for a get together with his old mates, Gerry Benson, Roger "Shoes" Needham and Bob Kinnon where a good time was had by all as they reminisced about the good old days in Bermuda. You can read more about Don in the article in our "Then and Now" column at

19th April
Reunion in Liverpool - We just received this photo of a group of young recruits who arrived here in 1980, all of whom had previous experience as police officers in the UK.
Our former ExPo President, Steve Taylor, sent us the photo which was taken on 18th April in the private bar of The Ship & Mitre Pub, on Dale Street in Liverpool City Centre. We wonder how many faces you can recognize before looking at the caption below.

Steve reports that a good time was had by all and he sends our ExPo Committee and Members all the very best of health and happiness and stay in touch....stay safe.....Steve Taylor.
Editors note - We wonder how many of our readers can recall which Police Forces these officers served in prior to arriving in Bermuda. We would also be pleased to post any information about them such as what they did after leaving Bermuda plus where they are and what they're doing these days. We have also posted this photo and information in our Latest News column at so if you would like to write to us about the group please do so in the Comments section under our Latest News column.
12th April
Rai Harrison on Island - We have just heard that our old friend - but no doubt still fit - Rai Harrison is visiting the Island for a few weeks, staying with Gary Staines. Rai will be visiting the Police Club tomorrow evening (Thursday 13th April) and would be happy to meet up with friends and colleagues.
Last time he was in Bermuda Raimondo came to one of our ExPo functions on the Police Club patio and had the friendliest of sparring matches with Donville Yard who had faced each other many years ago competing in one of our Police Boxing Nights.

HISTORIC RUGBY TOUR - 1964: We recently posted a photo in our "Who, Where and When" column of a team of rugby players returning from an historic rugby tour to the U.S. We wanted to know who was in the photo taken on the gangway of the plane, when it was taken, and we also wanted details if possible of the tour and those who travelled on it. We had some great responses and were well on the way to naming everyone in the photo, but were blown out of the water today on receiving a package from our former colleague, John Rawson, who was on the tour and also happened to be one of our finest ever Police RFC players.
John met his wife Anne while he was serving here in the Bermuda Police (1962-1965) and Anne was a nurse at King Edward Hospital. They returned to England and settled in Nottingham. We will shortly be publishing an update on where John and Anne are these days, and in the meantime we received this lovely photo of the two of them on holiday, with both looking very healthy and happy.

John was able to provide us with extensive details of the tour to New York which took place from May 22nd - May 31st 1964, and was historic because it was the first overseas tour ever organized by our local rugby fraternity. We will be publishing more details from John in the next few days, but in the meantime you can view the photo and information published so far at
27th March
SURPRISE, SURPRISE! It was Alan Gorbutt’s 60th birthday last Sunday 19th March, and oh boy, was he surprised!
Alan’s wife organized a birthday party for Alan, and arranged for a group of his old Liverpool buddies - all ex-Bermuda policemen from the 1980’s to return to Bermuda for the party where a great time was had by all.
Here’s a photo of the old boys. From left to right are Alan (1982 – 2007), Alan Earl, (1984-1990), Brian Russell (1984-1990), Larry Fox (1981- 2006) and Paul Kelly (1981-1988).

And here’s a photo of the almost skinny “new” boys taken around 1984 at Somerset Police Mess.
Larry Fox and Alan are the only ones still here in Bermuda and they joined the Merseyside Police together in 1976. Brian Russell worked with Alan in Merseyside from 1977 until Alan joined the BPS in 1982.
24th March
EDITORS NOTE - I apologize for the lack of news here in our Keeping in Touch column during the past 2 weeks which is due to the fact that I've been off Island in the UK and have had very limited access to the internet. I hope to catch up on posting news about our friends and colleagues in the coming weeks and months, and look forward to hearing about your latest news if you feel like dropping us a line at
MELODY MAKER - JOHN DALE - On returning to the Island I was delighted to read a lovely article about our good friend, retired Inspector John Dale, in the Lifestyle section of the Royal Gazette published on 21st March. You can view this excellent article in full at

As many of you will know, John was born and raised in Salford, in the UK, and was the son of a policeman so he followed in his father's fotosteps, joining the Lancashire Police as a young cadet, and serving there for 7 years before successfully applying to join the Bermuda Police and being accepted in 1973. John served in the BPS for 35 years before retirement in 2004, since which he has kept himself busy as an active Freemason, as a Eucharistic minister at St. John's Church in Pembroke, and as a certified tourist guide. During the tourist season John can be found conducting historic tours of the Royal Naval Dockyard dressed in the uniform worn by Royal Naval Engineers back in the 1860's. John has also developed a deep love of singing which started with the Police Choir, and more recently as a soloist who is often asked to sing at special functions.
John met and married his lovely wife Betty in 1981, and they have two children, Alexander and Adrian, and two beautiful grandchildren.
The Royal Gazette article includes a series of excellent photos and is well worth a read.
14th March
Ron Beech Funeral and Reception - We have been advised that the funeral for our good friend and colleague, Ron Beech, will be held at the Police Cemetery, Prospect, at 4pm on Thursday 16th March, and will be followed by a reception at the Police Recreation club from 5pm - 8pm. Family, friends and former colleagues are cordially invited to attend.
EDITORS NOTE - I am presently in the UK spending time with my 98 year old mother and I will have very limited access to internet and our website administration site until after 22nd March. I can open comments and post them from time to time but can't post articles until I return to Bermuda. My apologies for any inconvenience.
4th March
Search for Experienced COMOPS Officer - We have received a request from Inspector Robert Cardwell who sits on the Water Ops Committee for the America’s Cup which is responsible for managing the race course marshalls.
They are in the process of setting up a Joint Agency Command (JAC) control room in Dockyard which encompasses Police, Fire, Ambulance and various America’s Cup officials, and they are currently looking for a suitable person to staff their radio channel in the JAC.
It has been suggested that an ideal person could be a BPS retiree who is familiar with how Police COMOPS operates. This would no doubt be a fascinating role to play in what must surely be the biggest sporting event ever to be held here in Bermuda.
Inspector Cardwell has requested that we reach out to our retirees to ascertain if there anyone with past experience of working in COMOPS who might be interested in carrying out this role. We understand that on racing days the hours are likely to be 4-5 hours and there will be some remuneration, maybe in the region of $125 - $135 per day.
If you are interested in volunteering for this duty could you please let us know through our email address at and we will forward your details to Inspector Cardwell.
1st March
Update re Ron Beech - We have been in touch with Charlotte who has advised that Ron will be cremated in Canada and his ashes will be shipped back to Bermuda where it is likely that a brief funeral service will be held at a venue to be determined. Ron asked that his ashes be interred at the Police Cemetery, and this would likely be followed by a reception at the Police Club. We will advise as soon as we hear confirmed details of these tentative plans.

28th February

Boxing Photos - We have just received a link to Craig Morfitt's Facebook page where he recently posted a whole series of photos of our Police Boxing Section which will no doubt be of interest to many of our members who participated in or attended the Police Boxing events put on for so many years. The photos and copies of articles can be viewed at
Craig also mentioned his boxing exploits in an extensive article we posted in our "Then and Now" column which can be viewed at
24th February
Sad death of Ron Beech - We are deeply saddened to report having received the news that our good friend and colleague Ron "Casper" Beech passed away last evening. We received the news from his daughter Jennifer and will pass on details of funeral arrangements and other information as soon as we receive it.

Ron served in the Bermuda Police for 33 years, from December 1968 to July 2001 when he retired as Sergeant. He was both an avid rugby player and rugby fan, an unforgettable character, and he and Charlotte were regular attendees at our ExPo functions. We send our sincere condolences to Charlotte, Jennifer, Andrew and their family.
20th February
Coulthard Family Photo - We just received the following photo from our old friend and colleague Dick Coulthard who had promised to send us a family photo of their Christmas Gathering in Adelaide. His daughter Emma went down to Adelaide from Brisbane for Christmas so it was a real pleasure for Dick and Jenny to be surrounded by their clearly very happy family.

Dick says, "Jenny and I are fine and enjoying retirement although I still maintain a police connection by volunteering as a role player for their Detective/Intelligence officer courses. It’s fun playing a villain for a change!
Regards to all in Bermuda."
Dick Coulthard
19th February

Keeping in Touch - or NOT Keeping in Touch
As some of you may know, we recently published some photos of the York Reunion in 1983 on our ExPo website which you can view at
The photos were in our “Who, When and Where” column and we invited guys to write in and help us to identify everyone in the photos. Unfortunately, the group photos are not the clearest, and some of those present were partially hidden from view so we had mixed results from our appeal, although Mike Caulkett did a great job identifying most of those who were on the Force during his time in Bermuda, and Davie Kerr also provided an extensive list of those present even though he didn’t attend the reunion! We know there are a few names missing, and a few mistakes so could you please look through the photos and let us have any corrections or additions.
We are aware that quite a few of the guys are no longer with us such as Doug Rogers, Alan Wilkinson, Jim Woodward, Jim Lyons, Tom Barnes, Sean Sheehan and Bill Sherwood.
We have contact details for a few who don’t have email, but there are a surprising number for whom we have no information at all, or their details may have changed, as per the list below. If you happen to be in touch with anyone on the list it would be much appreciated if you could ask them to get in touch with us at or perhaps you could forward their up-to-date details to us.
On a final note, if you have not already done so it would be great if you could send us a little information about where you are these days and what you are doing, and also send us a recent photo of yourself, perhaps with family, so we can let our readers know what is happening in your corner of the world.
17th February

Death of Dennis Byrne - We are saddened to report that former P.C. Dennis Byrne died peacefully yesterday afternoon in St. Thomas Hospital in London. His daughter, Kate, was present and said she was very grateful he had been so well looked after by hospital staff. We send our sincere condolences to Kate and to the Byrne family. We will publish funeral details as they are received. For more information see our Latest News article at
Kate very kindly sent us several photos of her father including the following, along with a great photo of an historic rugby tour back in 1964 which which we are featuring in our "Who, Where and When" column.

10th February
Alan Kennedy Reception - A reception was held at the Officers Mess on Thursday 9th February to remember our good friend Alan Kennedy. It was hosted by Alan's two sons, Grant and Gavin, and was well attended by many of his old friends and colleagues, including Chief Tom Tessaro (retired) of the Fort Lee Police Department in New Jersey, who had been close friends with Alan and his family for many years and flew to Bermuda specially to be with the Kennedy family at this time. This was an opportunity to have a drink (or two!) to Alan, and also to remininisce and share stories about the good old days in the Bermuda Police Service.

7th February
I was just in touch with Hassan (Julian-Alami) Merrouni, who joined the Bermuda Police in July 1990 and served for almost 18 years before emigrating to Inverness-shire, in Scotland, with his family . Hassan often sees our old friend, Alastair ‘Shakey” Johnson who served here from August 1959 – August 1969.

Hassan has advised that he still meets up with “Shakey” every weekend, collecting him up from his apartment in Inverness and they head to the local Burger King religiously for coffee and to catch up on the weeks’ happenings.
Hassan keeps up to date with what’s going on in Bermuda by reading the Royal Gazette on internet so he passes any interesting information on to Shakey who was at one time trying to master a computer but has since given up in frustration!
He says Shakey is not too active these days but still manages to walk into town at his own speed. For anyone who happens to visit Inverness please be aware that Shakey now has a full beard! Fortunately, Hassan keeps a watchful eye on him and will often pop by to fix the washing machine or change light blubs.
Hassan also reports that Shakey still has a great long term memory and loves to recount stories about his life in the RAF, and his adventures in the Bermuda Police. Those who knew Shakey will know that he was one of our great characters who played both the accordian and piano at every opportunity for sing-alongs up at the Police Club and elsewhere.
Fellow Scotsman, Davie Kerr, visited Shakey about 2 years ago where this photo was taken, and we also have a photo of Hassan taken recently on a beach in Gairloch.

Shakey, who was promoted to Sergeant before leaving the Force, was a keen sportsman, playing football for the police and Divisional teams and also enjoyed running, having taken part in our first mini-marathon. He played golf occasionally and is one of the few people I’ve ever heard of who actually lost a club when playing at Ocean View Golf Club. Nothing unusual you might say about losing a golf club, but on this occasion, after a particularly bad shot he threw his club in the general direction of Devonshire Marsh – never to see it again!
He also happened to be Best Man at my wedding and I recently found a photo of our wedding and sent it to Hassan to pass on to Shakey as a reminder of the good old days in Bermuda.

For anyone wanting to get in touch with Shakey, the easiest way to do so is through Hassan who is presently working in security for Whyte and Mackay in Invergordon.
We last heard from Hassan in December 2011 at which time he was getting together from time to time with Shakey, and on occasions, touring around Scotland by train. (See the last entry in our Keeping in Touch 2011 column at
We wish Shakey, and Hassan and his family all the best for the New Year
2nd February
Reception Celebrating the Life of Bron Pett - A very special reception was held at the Police Recreation Club on Wenesday 1st February to Celebrate the Life of our dear friend Bron Pett, the wife of Maurice "Moby" Pett, who passed away suddenly last December. The main hall of the Police Club was packed with family and friends of Bron and Moby who gathered to fondly reminisce about all the good times shared with them. A full report on the reception can be found at
28th January

23rd January
Annual ExPo Party - On a more positive note I'm pleased to report that we held our Annual ExPo New Year Party last Saturday evening, 21st January, at the Officers Mess, courtesy of Commissioner Michael DeSilva. Although slightly down on attendance this year, perhaps because of wet weather, a good time was had by all those who attended. Inspector's Scott Devine and Mark Clarke did a great job behind the bar, and both the food and camaraderie were excellent. One of the features of our annual functions is a great slide show of historical and current photos which always proves very popular, particularly looking back on events that helped shape our lives, whether it be the BELCO riot of 1965, or sporting events such as the boxing tournaments, football and cricket teams, or running races.
During his brief remarks Roger Sherratt pointed out that since the last party we had lost no less that 23 former police officers. They are:- John Van de Weg, Jasmine Saltus, Terry "Big Bird" DeSilva, Keith Foggo, Andy Hall, Cyril Plant, Jimmy Woodward, Peter Edney, Jimmy Robertson, Eddie Spencer, Eric Ingemann, William "Bill" McCormack, Nick Dunn, John Balsdon, Kevin Hardisty, Gregory Grimes (who sadly died whilst still serving in the BPS) Malcolm Edwards, Colin MacDonald, Alex Forbes, Brian Callaghan, Harry Leman, and Alan Kennedy. Also given special mention was "Moby" Pett's wife, Bron, who passed away suddenly last month and was much loved by all who knew her.
That being said, the evening was most enjoyable as we all shared our memories and stories, some of which surely, cannot be true!

We have a photo album taken during the evening which you can view at!IMG_3996
Passing of Alan Kennedy - We were deeply saddened to hear the news that retired Inspector Alan Kennedy passed away last week in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Alan had served in the Bermuda Police Service from 1963 - 1988. He was a member of our ExPo Committee for several years, and was popular with all who knew him. For more information about Alan please see our Latest News column at!IMG_3996

We understand that his sons Grant and Gavin will be organizing a Celebration of Alan's Life here in Bermuda sometime in the coming weeks and we will publish details as soon as they are received.
17th January

Remembrance Reception for Bron PettAs most of you will already know, Bronwin Pett died suddenly and tragically last December, and we have been advised by Moby that there will be a Remembrance Reception held at the Police Recreation Club to which all of their friends are invited.
Moby put it best when he wrote to say:-
“Hello everyone,
The Pett family has decided that we do not wish a religious service of any kind for Bron. We have had enough grief and anguish already and I am sure she would understand.
We intend to hold a Remembrance Reception 3-5 (ish)pm on Wednesday 1st February at Police Recreation Club, Prospect. As you know this is a place Bron visited frequently over all the years and where she met lots and lots of good friends, so it seemed appropriate
I realise that e-mailing you about this is pretty impersonal but given the short notice it is the best I could do. No need to get all dressed up, casual is fine. If you can make it please come along, give us a hug and remember the good times. We look forward to seeing you there,
We have taken the liberty of also sending out this invitation through our website.
For those of you residing abroad please feel free to write any comments below and we will be sure to pass them on to Moby and their children
8th January
The New Year started in style with Commissioner Michael DeSilva hosting his annual New Year Party at the Police Recreation Club. The event was very well attended by a host of dignatories including our new Governor, H.E. John Rankin along with many of the BPS's community partners, and several dozen of our Expo members. Also present were the three awardees of New Year's honours from the BPS, Commissioner Michael DeSilva, Chief Inspector Nicholas Pedro, and retired Chief Inspector Roger Sherratt. See article at
We were delighted to meet up with our four seniors police pensioners, retired Inspector Gladwin "Doc" Hall, retired Sergeant Dudley Proctor, retired Inspector Dudley Swan, and retired Chief Insector Hilton Wingood, all of whom were in fine form as you can see is this photo.
(l-r) Dudley Swan, Hilton "Jellybean" Wingood, Gladwin "Doc" Hall, and Dudley Proctor
Our next photo could well be called "All in the Family" because everyone here is related. We are not sure how many people realize that there is a close family connection between Hilton Wingood and the wives of both Gladwin "Doc" Hall and Dudley Swan who are Hilton's sisters, Lillian and Maralene. They are a delightful pair of ladies, along with Hilton's wife Brenda. They were all the life and soul of the party on New Year's Day.

Duckett Memorial Trophy - Last Saturday saw the 44th annual match between the Police Rugby Team and the Rest of Bermuda for the George Duckett Memorial Trophy. The trophy was donated by the Police Rugby Section to honour the memory of Commissioner George Duckett who had been a keen fan of the Police team prior to his tragic death when he was shot and killed on 9th September 1972. This cutting from the Bermuda Sun outlines the reasons why the trophy was created.

The first ever match for the Duckett Memorial trophy was played at National Sports Club in 1973 and was said to be a very exciting from start to finish with the Rest of Bermuda Team narrowly winning the match 26-19 as reported below. It is noteworthy that according to the match report in the Royal Gazette it was played "in a spirit very fitting to the memory of the late Commissioner". The newspaper report attributed this "in no small measure to the excellent refereeing of Alec Forbes, perhaps the best refereeng seen for a long time." Alec had, of course, been a prominent player in the Police Team for many years as hooker, and he passed away just before Christmas.

Although our Police Team lost the match, history was made when a pair of "Fields" took to the field! As can be seen from the programme of that first Duckett Memorial Trophy match, one of the police players in the first match was former Sergeant Paul Field who had served in the Bermuda Police from May 1962-August 1973, and played both rugby and cricket for the Police teams.
Last Saturday his son, Superintendent Sean Field-Lamont, and Paul's grandson, 15 year old Jake Field, stepped out onto the field to play in his first ever match for the Police Rugby Club along with his dad. who has been a regular team member throughout his police career. It was a proud grandfather who can now claim that three generations of his family have represented the Bermuda Police Rugby Team playing in annual Duckett Memorial Trophy match.

For more information on the origin of the Duckett Memorial Trophy please see our "Who, When and Where" article at
Passing of Brian Callaghan - Sadly we had to start off the New Year with news that our dear friend and colleague Brian Callaghan had just passed away at his home in South Africa. We received the sad news from Brian's wife Ann who had kept us informed of his progress after Brian suffered a severe stroke in 2011. See our article under Latest News at
Brian and Ann in happier times
Brian was a very popular member of the BPS and was highly regarded by all of those who worked with him and knew him. For more information see our Latest News column at
We send our deepest condolences to Ann and to Brian's family in the UK.